
Rick van der Coelen


Where did it all start for you?
My background in the agricultural sector goes back to when I was still in school. During high school and my college studies, I worked in greenhouse farming at a rose grower and a cucumber grower. After completing my studies in Sports, Economics and Communication, I started working for Stichting Venloop, an organizer of running and walking events. I have been working there for almost 15 years and have seen the events and the foundation grow in all aspects. 

In my search for a new challenge I ended up at Green People Recruitment, where I immediately had a good feeling. The informal atmosphere among colleagues combined with the ambitions of the management appealed to me from the start.

What is your personal ambition?
At Green People Recruitment I will be setting up a new label, namely Sustainability. My ambition is therefore on the one hand to expand my network in the sustainability industry and build long-term relationships with (new) clients. On the other hand, I want to develop myself into a successful link in the team of Green People Recruitment by bringing clients and candidates together.

And do you still have time for hobbies?
In my spare time, I am regularly on the padel court and I coach my son's soccer team. On the weekends, I like to go out with my girlfriend and two kids. In the evening I like to watch a good movie or series, but I am also always up for an evening of games. I also enjoy cooking and trying out new recipes.

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Rick  van der Coelen
Name: Rick van der Coelen
Cell phone: (06) 1900 0955
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